Published by 9ID, DPAO
CAMP ELIAS ANGELES, Pili, Camarines Sur- The Disaster Response and Rescue Operation (DRRO) units under the 9th Infantry (SPEAR) Division are busy in evacuating and providing assistance to the residents near the permanent danger zone in Albay while the NPAs are conducting series of hostile actions all over Bicol Region for the past weeks.
Simultaneous and series of indiscriminate firings were recorded by Army detachments and Bayanihan teams situated in the provinces of Cam Sur, Cam Norte, Sorsogon, and Albay. As of this time, a total of 15 military installations and one PNP station were fired upon by the rebels with approximately 200-700 meters away.
The rebels also implanted near the camp some explosives, in which one corroded Fragmentation Rifle Grenade was discovered in Labo, Cam Norte last weekend and one exploded in Goa, Cam Sur last month.
The rebels also conducted violence by killing and liquidating two former CAAs in Sorsogon, one former rebel and soldier in Cam Sur, an active CAA in Catanduanes, and ambushed a PNP personnel in Masbate.
Despite these hostile actions and violence perpetrated by the New People’s Army in Bicol, 9ID is still on its track in performing its mandate in protecting and securing the people from any violence the rebels are planning.
Now that Alert level 3 is raised over Mayon again, 9ID’s DRRO units were brought to Albay, alerted 24/7 and ready for any challenges the Mayon Volcano may happen.
9ID Commander Major General Yerson E Depayso urged the Spear Troopers to concentrate in its primary mission to secure the Bicolanos from the violence the rebels may take action, at the same time, securing the Mayon evacuees from Mayon Volcanoe’s wrath. He also challenged the rebel group to make a positive step in helping their brother Bicolanos from the rage of the erupting Mayon instead of conducting helpless brutal actions.
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